IMSI Code for iPhone Carrier

Commonly used code 5G network operator imsi:
Att imsi 3131100
T-mobile imsi 3102605 gid1 54
MetroPcs imsi 3102400 gid1 4153
Visible imsi 3114800 gid2 1A
Specturn/Xf imsi 2040438 gid2 A7

Commonly used operator 4G codes:
Att, 3131203
T mobil, 4G code, 3102400
Sprint, 4G code, 3101200
XF, 4G code, 2040438
CK, 4G code, 3101500

US AT&T 3131100 (with 5G enabled, with hotspot)
US TMobile 3102600 (Carrier) GID1:54 (with 5G enabled)
US Cricket 3101500 GID1:53FF
US AT&T/Cricket=Cricket, not ATT
US Cellular 2040400
US C Spire 3112300
US Altice/Agron 2080900/3133900
US Metro PCS 3102600 GID1:6D or GID1:4153 (this operator must have a GID)]
US Xfinity/Xenon/Spectrum 2040400
US Visible 3114800 GID2:1A (this operator must have a GID)

US Consumer Cellular is affiliated with multiple major carriers (this carrier must have a GID)
3111800 GID1:2A (ATT-CC)
3102600 GID1:2AC9 (T-Mobile-CC)

US TracFone/Straight Talk is affiliated with multiple main operators (this operator must have a GID)
3114800 GID2:A1 (Verizon-TFW, may have no data)
3111800 GID1:DE (AT&T-TFW)
3102600 GID1:DE (T-Mobile-TFW)
3102400 GID1:4D4B (FamilyMobile-TFW)

US GSM/VZW 3101500

US Sprint 3101200 (Carrier) GID2:11 (with 5G enabled, no data)

US GCI 3113700 GID1:0050

US GigSky 2040400/3103800 GID1:6F

US UltraMint 3102600 GID1:4153 (this carrier must have a GID) MetroPCS sometimes uses this code

US Viaero 3104500 (Carrier) ID: 8901450 (5G enabled)

US Verizon 2040400/3114800

US Dish Boost  3101200

US RedPocket 3104100 GID1:42 (this operator must have a GID)

US Reseller Flex Policy: U.S. resellers' flexible policy, locking in the first activated operator

United Kingdom​
UK T-Mobile 2343000 GID1:28

UK Orange 2343300

UK EE/Virgin 2343000 GID1:28

UK O2 2341000 GID1:508FFFFF 2345700 GID1:0C

UK BT-Business 2343000 GID1:B3

UK BT-Consumer 2343000 GID1:C3

UK BT-OnePhone 2340800

UK Hutchison/ID 2342000 GID1:0305

UK Hutchison/Three 2342000

UK TalkMobile 2341500

Canada Fee 3024900

Canada Bell/MTS 3026600/3023700

Canada Bell 3026100

Canada Fido 3023700

Canada Rogers 3027200

Canada Telus 3022200

Canada Videotron 2040400/3025000

Canada Xplore 2040400/3021300

Canada SaskTel 2040400/3027800

Canada Eastlink 2060100/3022700


Ireland Vodafone 2720100

Ireland Hutchison/3 Ireland 2720500

Ireland Meteor/Eir 2720300

Ireland O2 2720200


Latin American 3340400

Mexico Lusacell 3340500

Mexico Nextel (AT&T) 3349000

Mexico Movistar 3340300

Mexico Telcel 3340200

puerto rico

Puerto Rico Claro 3301100

Puerto Rico OpenMobile 3301200

the Philippines
Philippines Globe (SingTel) 5150200

Philippines Smart 5150300

Austria Mobilkom (A1) 2320100

Austria Hutchison/Drei 2321000

Austria One/Drei 2320500

Austria T-Mobile/Magenta-T- 2320400

Austria T-Mobile/Telering 2320700 GID1:07


Australia & NZ Service 5050100

Australia Telstra 5050100

Australia Optus 5050200

Australia Vodafone 5050300

Australia Lebara 5050300 GID1:01


Japan AU/KDDI 4405000/4405100 GID1:26 GID2:00

Japan UQ Mobile 4405100 GID1:20 GID2:00

Japan Docomo 4401000 GID1:01FFFF

Japan Softbank 4402000 GID1:48FFFF

Japan Softbank YMobile 4402000 GID1:01FFFF

Japan N4Y/5X Channel: Softbank official exchange 4402000 GID1:48FFFF


Hungary Telenor 2160100

Hungary T-Mobile 2163000

Hungary Vodafone 2167000


Sweden Hutchison 2400200


Portugal Vodafone 2680100

Dominican Republic America Movil 3700200


Retail EasyPay Device Policy:2160100

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What is GID2


Bonjour !
J’aimerais savoir, comment en utiliser pour le Mali !
Je suis au Mali, j’ai un turbos sim MKSD sur mon iPhone 8 , qu’est ce que je dois choisir comme code pour faire fonctionner mon iPhone ?



Canada Bell/MTS 3026600/3023700

rajesh bahri

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